Why the United Nations is a sham

All countries, big or small, strong or weak, are equal members of the United Nations. – Nong Duc Manh

United States’ move to shift their Israeli embassy to Jerusalem has created a lot of opposition. American meddling in the conflict which is to be settled by the countries themselves was not welcome by the United Nations and its members. Despite being notable allies of the United States, the United Kingdom and France tabled a draft resolution that reflects regret among the body’s members about “recent decisions regarding the status of Jerusalem'”. However, due to a negative vote by the United States, it failed.

Let’s think about this situation more carefully. There are 15 members in the United Nations Security Council and 14 of them supported the aformentioned resolution. However 1 didn’t and because of that, the resolution wasn’t adopted. The number of members varies depending on the committee but five members are always there. These five are The United Kingdom, France, United States of America, China and the Russian Federation. All of these are permanent members and have the power to ‘veto’. This means that irrespective of the fact that every other country has passed a certain resolution, if any of these five do not like it then they can quash it immediately. In the world right now, there are three ‘superpowers’. These are China, Russia and USA. Naturally, all other countries on the planet are either allies of either one or multiple of these countries. China and Russia do not only jointly support several countries but even their enemies and stances on regarding several situations are somewhat similar.

China, Russia and USA and even France and UK to some extent control this world. They are involved in every major conflict in some way or the other and are almost always, never on the same side. To every story, there are two or even multiple perspectives, but only one truth. Let’s take the situation of Syria. The United States believes that Bashar Al Assad has to be overthrown while the Russian government supports him. Both of them believe or at least show that they believe that they are on the correct side, but the reality is that only one of them could be correct. The truth to every story is only one. The duty of the United Nations is to pursue and support the truth and only the truth. The conflict is however, if a resolution is tabled supporting the US stand then Russia will veto it and if another is tabled supporting Russia then the US will veto it.

Because of their prominence, all the permanent five or at least USA, China and Russia can not be on the same side on any conflict or a major issue. Their interests will always conflict. So even if a resolution is tabled supporting the truth there will always be opposition from one or multiple members of the permanent five. Most major conflicts can not be solved with such a system and any of these five will never be willing to give up there powers. Even if the United Nations and all other members try their best to support the truth, the system can never be supported. This brings me to the irony in the quote at the beginning of this article. The United Nations is controlled by five countries and not a single country more.

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